You might be surprised at some of these items banned from Disneyland as the likelihood is you have a few them on you right now and would have innocently wandered in. Be warned!
Disneyland is known as the happiest place on Earth, but if you try and take these things in, you will find your smile turned upside down.
Some of these banned items make sense and you’ll be grateful for the rules (I’m looking at YOU skateboarder), but some of the other things I had no idea about and could have quite easily swanned in carrying the offending contraband.

Here’s the list of what NOT to take to Disneyland:
No costumes are allowed on anyone over 14. Leave the dress ups for Halloween or you might get thrown out of the park!
Skateboardsand any type of scooter, motorised and non-motorised. We can be grateful that we will not get run down by an over active teenager, but you’d also better make sure the kids don’t scream around on their rolling shoes either lest someone gets sent out of the park.
Bicycles, tricycles, unicycles and pogo sticks. You’ll be pleased the latter two are also on the list as no one likes to have to duck out of the way of a springing pogo sticker trying to get to Space Mountain or a wayward unicycler showing off.
Strollers larger than 36″ by 52″(91cm by 132cm) which is not very big! Certainly not big enough for 2 kids but not even as big as those fancy Bugaboo’s (or whatever they’re called!) that all the modern parents go for. This one could catch people out. But the good news is you can rent a stroller (pushchair) at Disneyland for $15 for one or $25 for two per day. Click here for more info on where you find the strollers >>

Drones and remote control toysare a no-no too. But you probably knew that. Your remote control car would stepped on and your drones would crash.
Suitcases and backpackslarger than 37″ (93cm) high. This equates to a large rolling suitcase. But the good news is if you’ve checked out of your hotel and for some reason you need your luggage with you rather than with the concierge (makes sense if you plan to go directly to the airport from your last ride actually), you can rent on-site lockers. Click here for prices and locations of Disney lockers >>

Stink bombs, laser pointers, air horns or any disruptive devices. Bravo to this. Screaming, tantruming children are enough to deal with without vuvuzelas and fog horn blasts in the throbbing crowds. Although I have been known to sneak a stink bomb into a hotel room with my cousins and let it off so that my uncle got hotel management in to inspect the problem, but this is a story for another day. Not the sort of item we’d appreciate being let off in the confines of the Haunted House now would we?
Selfie sticks. These were banned in 2015 and I’m thankful for it. I HATE the selfie stick phenomenon. YOU HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD ARM! These things are banned in lots of places around the world now for the disruption they cause everyone around them trying to limbo past the offending weapon and invariably losing an eyeball.
Cremated remains(!!) So, um, I guess this was put in because someone actually brought in their Disney-loving loved one’s remains and scattered them all over the park. Imagine how many people would want to do this? Lot’s I’d say! Phew, you have no risk of stepping on dear old Aunt Daisy at Disneyland.
So what CAN you take into Disneyland?
Can you take your own food and drink into Disneyland? Yes you can! But only pre-made drinks, water and snacks are ok as long as they’re not in glass containers. Don’t pack a picnic and plan to set up an al fresco dining situation with your knives and forks. That’ll be confiscated.
You CAN bring your dogs and cats (yes cats), they just have to spend the day in a kennel on site. But seriously, who/why…? Clearly people do bring their pets to the park or the kennels would not exist. You can leave your pooch in a kennel for $20 per day and if you have more than one furry friend and they get on well, they might be able to room together. Kennel sizes are decided by the staff when you arrive and large kennels are limited. You’re also encouraged to bring their favourite toys and a blanket a bowls to “make their stay more comfortable”. Click here for info on taking your pet into Disneyland *shakes head.

If you’re taking the kids to Disneyland soon, you need to read my best tips for conquering the park tantrum free!