Ok, this is a personal post for the girls and the answer is simple…
I have found the best tip for how to stop chafing between the thighs in humid climates when you don’t have your bike shorts with you!
Awesome feedback on this post that made my day: “Hi Megan!!! OMG whoever came up with that tip to avoid chaffing is an absolute genius! I did it in Bali recently and wow was sooooo surprised that I didn’t get any chaffing! I have big thighs and always suffer! I once walked from Auckland Uni in Grafton Road to the domain and back and I suffered immensely, my thighs had big lumps between them and I could hardly walk. But this tip saved my life in Bali! I did heaps of walking, haven’t walk that much this entire year in NZ like I did in one week in Bali and not a lump in sight! Just amazing and thank you sooooo much for sharing that! It made my holiday so much more enjoyable ❤️”

This post is about the secret subject of sweating and chafing in hot and humid climates and what you can do about it to make your day more comfortable – and less embarrassing!
Of course we all love bike shorts, but even they can roll up if you don’t get the right ones (I love the sheer, stretchy Thigh Society ones, but they’re quite pricey). So if you don’t have your shorts with you, or your outfit wouldn’t work with them, this is the simple solution to chub rub!
You know that feeling of sweat rolling down your spine, or the burning of your thighs as they try and unstick themselves with every step? Or the wet underwire at the end of the day? I have the solution.
This is a bit of a departure from my usual travel blogging I know, but I wrote this in Hong Kong where it was 32˚C (about 90˚F) with humidity off the charts, so I thought I’d share one of the best tips I’ve ever learned and have been employing for years: roll on antiperspirant deodorant.
This is a girl’s best friend! Truly, even your BFF will trade you for this.
But the key is application. Antiperspirant deodorant is just that, it stops (or lessens) your sweating. So yes, slather it under your armpits, but also (and this is where we lower our voices and talk in a hushed whisper) roll it everywhere you sweat.
Under your boobs, in your cleavage, down your spine, over your inner thighs (this is just between us, right?) Even on the soles of your feet, said a reader (clearly you’ll need to let them dry before putting your sandals on!)
And here’s another astounding fact: if you’re not blessed with thigh gap (like the skinny mini below), you can still wear skirts without tights or long anti-chafe underwear with this technique!
Even in 90˚+ days with a million percent humidity, you’ll not chafe and you will wear a smile with your floaty skirt.

Little warning: I find if I do slather on the anti-perspirant on the soft skin of inner thighs every day for a few days, I can get itchy as the skin is delicate. You may want to experiment with various brands to find the best one for you. I did like Dove, but have now moved onto Nivea roll on antiperspirant and that seems fine to use every day for a few days.
And one final tip: if you already have the itchiness and rash or sting of chafing, there is nothing as soothing as the instant relief of talcum powder. Keep a little baby bottle in your toiletry bag for hot climates and rub it on before bed. You’ll sleep well and smell cute!
There, now go try it and send me a wink if this life hack has saved your day “)
So you know how I said I love Thigh Society anti-chafe underwear? Well I approached them and asked if I could be an affiliate and send you, dear reader, to their website and they said yes. I own three pairs of these, and have bought two more, now that I have tried so many different brands.

They don’t roll up, they don’t slip down and there are several types. Some are thicker like a bike short, which I will get too, some are cotton, but my faves are these sheer ones (below) that are breathable.
Wednesday 20th of November 2019
I've found that Vaseline is great on the Inner thighs, and really works in preventing chafing. And I don't go anywhere without Savlon. It's a miracle cream for soothing overnight.
Megan Singleton
Wednesday 20th of November 2019
Oh really? I would have thought that would be very sticky! Might have to try it ;)
Carole McNab
Thursday 13th of June 2019
Sounds really good.! I’m going to Vietnam in August - soo looking forward to it. I’m not a ‘slim Jane’ will your idea really work for me? I tend to take buckets full of baby powder. We’re staying in Hoi An any tips on what to see and do? I’d really like a bit of rest too! Thanks for any tips/advice.
Sunday 23rd of June 2019
Well it's certainly worth a try. My neighbours were talking about this post the other day and said Three B at the chemist is also great to stop chafing :D
Wednesday 12th of June 2019
Thanks for the tip. Now I won't have to worry about my thighs catching on fire when I'm in China!
Wednesday 12th of June 2019
Hahaha - yes!
Sunday 22nd of July 2018
A friend who lives in Florida told me of this hack while on vacation in the Bahamas, what a life saver, no more burning thighs! Will have to try down the spine.