It’s finally open, the new Johnny Cash Museum in Nashville! On opening day lines were around the block and the male staff wear black and have slicked back hair. If you’re a CASH fan, this is a pilgrimage.
If you’re not, here’s my blog on my top picks of things to do in Nashville>>>
This a glimpse of some of the exhibits (yes photos are legal, just no recording devices!)

Johnny sings the old ragged flag on this video of him in concert with the lyrics hand written on each side

Suffering from writer’s block Johnny writes his way through it. Awesome advice for young players, be it musician or journalist. “I’m going to try to write now. I’m not sure I can but I’m going to try…”

The Carter family costumes when he used to sing with June, her sisters and their mother. Nice frocks ladies.
For my blog on the best things to do in Nashville, including where to stay and eat, jump here to this post>>>>