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How to travel the world with me via Periscope!

I’m off today for a month! I know, I can barely contain myself.

PeriscopeI’ve had shoe dilemmas, whether I take stain remover for my hand washing and lamenting the exchange rate, but what I really can’t wait to do is play with the live streaming video app Periscope.

Periscope was bought by Twitter in February for $100m – before it was even launched! At Easter I was invited to take part in a global 24 hour of Periscope around the world for Skyscanner, and since then I’ve been loving showing you some behind-the-scenes, walk throughs and foreign places – all for free.

It does require that I have a strong WiFi connection, so I’ve been disappointed not to be able to use it when I walked around the Macau Tower, for example. But today I set off for Dubai, then a 12-night cruise from Barcelona to Cannes, Florence, Rome, Ephesus, Athens, Santorini and Naples then on to London for the last four games of the Rugby World Cup.

Megan Singleton periscope

I’m Periscoping in Hong Kong on the cable car!

Megan Singleton PeriscopeI will be taking you on walks and chit chats as I go, so if you want to be alerted to when I’m broadcasting live, go to your app store and download Periscope, or if you can’t find it there (it doesn’t seem to come up on iPads) go to their website and follow the link. Then follow me at (bloggeratlarge) and make sure you say hi when we’re live!

And when you tap your screen it sends me hearts so I know you like it 🙂

Click on this link to go straight to my Periscope page >>

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